Well here are the flower pics that inspired my garden series- isn't he great! Also a lizard painting and snake painting and donut/donuthole painting (note the special homage to one of my favorite treats) Wonder no longer at how he learned to paint a dunkin donuts chocolate cream donut from memory with such accuracy- I loved his decription as he painted- putting the white paint on "kind of scrubby like so it looks like powdered sugar". The donut and lizard are going to this summer's VBF auction in honor of smart baby!
he's amazing. The lizard and donuts are great choices for the auction.
Smart Son is truly talented. Wow.
what the others said. smart spawns smart, and talent. well named blog, I guess :)I love the donut piece,and I'm not even that big a fan of the real things.
I am a fan of the real thing- and the paintings. Good job! Maybe I should send ashley to your house for the summer- I'm sure she'd have more fun then here! (I say no to painting 3/4 of the time).
Holy Moly! He is amazingly talented. Just like his momma. I want one of his paintings! I am serious. Where can I bid on them? And hello? I LOVE the one you just did. Looking for the perfect place in my house...so happy I found you!!!
What a talented little painter! I don't know how you can part with them to have them auctioned. I probably would be bidding to get them back!
So I guess this is a genetic thing, eh?
I am going to show this post to my daughter as she is a budding artist (not a genetic thing!)
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