"I have strep-to-coccus," smart son yelled out the window to the neighbors, explaining why he couldn't come out and ride his bike.
(He was actually very excited to learn which type of bacteria he had, This was a favorite because we did the agar plate bacteria farm a few months back- and he was big on the concept on the power of antibiotics)
Microbes- those bacteria, viruses, and fungi and mean and powerful little things- People fail to give them the respect they deserve. They can with one meager infection destroy a mom's plan for the week.
Today as I was driving home from the pediatrician stocked with amoxicillan (yes they gave me the right drug this time). I was thinking wouldn't it be nice if when your kids got sick there was some way of tracking where it came from (okay lots of times we figure it out but, I want strong legal proof)- so you could meet out vengeance upon the the infecting party- I can think of many appropriate types of retribution. They could get less than 5 hrs sleep each night for a week, endure the midnight feverish wailing, hysteria, crying, gnashing of teeth, wash the clothes covered in medicine and popsicle drippings, quarantine sections of their house, be house bound for days, cancel all fun plans, and they could pay your office and rx copay, gas $ and a little extra for emotional suffering. So my call is to responsible parties everywhere- RESPECT the Microbes- don't take you sick kids places, don't let them out when they have had a fever or vomiting in the past 24 hrs or the wrath of smartmama will be upon you!
I am so with you on this. Although, sometimes it's harder to know for sure where an illness came from because of all the energy you spend dreaming of retribution.
I'm so sorry! I hope he feels better soon. I have a quart size bottle of hand sanitizer in my kitchen that I make the kids use when they come in the door from school. So, I guess I have microbe phobia issues, as well!
Sorry he's sick. I hope the antibiotics do their trick quick.
Here in Small Town they don't have any knowledge of microbes. Every illness can be traced back to a glass of too cold water, evil air conditioning, a breeze or watermellon eaten at the wrong time of day. CRAZY.
After returning from any public place my kids are completely sanitized. I also hate to be the "spreader"! I hope your son feels better soon.
Amen to that Mama! DD#1 even has a bottle of hand sanitizer on the outside pocket of her backpack.
And a word to all of the "spreaders", there is NOTHING wrong with staying home!!!
Oh my heck, is this ever true. Where is the JUSTICE!!! If only microbe-carriers had green vapor coming from them, or something... kind of that old "what if every sin had a smell like smoking does" idea...
I always attribute my kids' illnesses to the church nursery, the playland at McDonalds or the children's museum. We're at each of those places pretty much every week, so they're easy to blame.
Hope smartboy is getting lots better!
AMEN SISTER! Spreaders stay home!
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