No, I didn't have any gradiose intentions of working out daily (although i do sometimes dream of languidly swimming laps in the sparkly pool - which i could do if i could only bring myself to leave my children in the well run child watch and bear to wear a swimcap (the horror). The real reason I joined must be because I like to shoot myself in the foot-- no not with adding extra errands (running smart son to his classes)--with laundry.
Yes, we paid 900$ a year, not so i could get in shape, but so i could increase my laundry stress.
I am a "let-it-pile -up-and-get-it-all-done-at-once-laundry gal" I have found the 5 load pile up to be ideal- it allows optimal sorting and grouping of like items and allows for maximum washer capacity usage-- 1 really dark, 1 medium dark, 1 whites, 1 lights, 1 mediums--Now I have to worry about having the soccer or basketball clothes clean, and the swimsuits and towels washed and ready for the next lesson or family swim time-- of course this has wreaked havoc on my laundry world- even more so that adding a baby (blowouts and spitups caused minimal disruption by comparison) now i have the urgent soggy chlorine laden towels and suits which against all my efficient and task maximizing sensiblities forces me to do a less than large load...
So if you are thinking about joining the Y- get ready for your laundry world to be rocked!
Yes lets amend that motto to "we build strong kids, strong families, and strong communities- and crazy mothers"
That's hilarious. Oh, the unseen "benefits" of a family gym. :)
Very funny. I follow your laundry philosophy and today's the day!
P.S. I love the expat life so much. I didn't mean to sound too negative today. Benefits far out weigh hardships. Guapo's company is going to have to drag me screaming and kicking back to the States when our little international tour is over.
You should do it! With all of your international travel, I'm sure you would love it.
Thanks for the detour for the YMCA I hate the laundry that I do now. Extra?? No thanks!
Yep, I have that particular load in the dryer right now, trying to get ready to use them again, today. I always think that laundry will be less in summer, once we start wearing shorts and T's instead of long pants and shirts. The swim stuff definitely negates that effect.
Amen sister!!!
We're actually going there tomorrow to check it out!
I also let my laundry pile up - Wednesday is wash day around here.
Good luck!
Lol! Good to know!!!
Hey - completely off subject - but did you take any herbal supp's when you were trying prevent mc'ing? My doula is thinking it might help my uterus to chill for a couple more weeks to try something like that...
tia ;)
I had not even thought of that side-effect. Good luck with the extra work. There's something in the idea that extra laundry means the kids are having extra fun and that alone...almost...sort of... makes it worth it.
I think you're totally right, they do build crazy mothers! We belonged to the Y for 6 months and it made me crazy. Because all I heard everyday was "Mom, can we go swimming? PLEASE?"
Hold onto your sanity!
Oh my this post cracked me up. This is why we finally dropped our membership to our local center. I am so a pile up laundry girl and couldn't keep up with swimming laundry.
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