I have an idea- a new direction for psychoanalysis (Freud had to make another blog appearance)-- Food association therapy- using flavors from the past to conjure up deeply buried memories....
I thought if this this week when I was suckered in by the dollar tree's "strategically placed by the register impulse buy item"-- bubblicious gum- a four pack for a dollar--
the second i popped a piece into my mouth-- i began to float nostalgically though memories of days gone by... I remember many roadtrips- trapped in the car for days with my mom, dad and sister as we traversed our great nation visiting family and friends. Listening to Mini Pops and playing my Speak and Spell. Each day brided to take a nap with the promise that when we awoke we could have a piece of gum--not just any gum-- bubblicious gum- so soft and chewy in a variety of scrumptious fruit flavors- strawberry banana, watermelon, grape, lemonade-(sadly that flavor sensation quickly dissipates and you are left chewing on rubber)
As I continued to chew, more buried memories surfaced- I remembered being in 6th grade, rumors were circling that this guy Mike liked me (certainly reliable information gleaned from a note passed to him which said rank the girls in our class, his rankings were subsequently leaked) Mike was infamous for giving out candy to whomever he happened to be crushing on at the moment-- Yes, I will admit to glancing his direction a few extra times that day, giving some encouragement, in hopes of of him passing me a piece of bubblicious when our teacher wasn't looking.
My hot tip for the world of psychoanalysis- ditch the couch and get some gum...
On another note sorry i have been scare around the blogs lately- smart baby has decided to run a 104 degree temp the last 3 days and smart son graduated from preschool (yes we are so proud- what a life accomplishment)
Smart Mama...I love the nostalgia in your post. It is fun when deep-buried memories are brought to the surface by something as simple as bubblegum.
Congratulations on the graduate. I hope your baby is okay. That is a scary-high fever. I hope it is only Roseola.
I wondered where you had disappeared to. I hope smart baby is feeling better. Fevers are so scary.
Your post reminded me of eating pop rocks as a child in the back seat of the car on the way home from swimming. I probably took the nap after. Thanks for the memory!
I love love love bubble gum. Especially when I am preggers. I CRAVE it!!!
Remember Fun Dip? Now that's the stuff I can't believe I ever enjoyed.
Ok, first of all, you really have a Frued action figure??? Too funny.
Second-I hope Smart Baby is ok.
Third-Congrats to Smart Son.
Lastly, funny post! Speak and Spell. Your blog made me nostalgic.
I was on a trip last year with my kids, alone, and I offered the older ones $5.00 each if they napped. It worked for a couple of days. I should have thought of gum...
OOOOHHHH - speak and spell, minipops! Thanks for the reminder. I love how you say "trapped" in the car.
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