No, I didn't have any gradiose intentions of working out daily (although i do sometimes dream of languidly swimming laps in the sparkly pool - which i could do if i could only bring myself to leave my children in the well run child watch and bear to wear a swimcap (the horror). The real reason I joined must be because I like to shoot myself in the foot-- no not with adding extra errands (running smart son to his classes)--with laundry.
Yes, we paid 900$ a year, not so i could get in shape, but so i could increase my laundry stress.
I am a "let-it-pile -up-and-get-it-all-done-at-once-laundry gal" I have found the 5 load pile up to be ideal- it allows optimal sorting and grouping of like items and allows for maximum washer capacity usage-- 1 really dark, 1 medium dark, 1 whites, 1 lights, 1 mediums--Now I have to worry about having the soccer or basketball clothes clean, and the swimsuits and towels washed and ready for the next lesson or family swim time-- of course this has wreaked havoc on my laundry world- even more so that adding a baby (blowouts and spitups caused minimal disruption by comparison) now i have the urgent soggy chlorine laden towels and suits which against all my efficient and task maximizing sensiblities forces me to do a less than large load...
So if you are thinking about joining the Y- get ready for your laundry world to be rocked!
Yes lets amend that motto to "we build strong kids, strong families, and strong communities- and crazy mothers"