My friend shelah wrote
this great post over on the segullah blog. She got me thinking about how I appreciate the fathers in my life and their silent sacrifices. Being the creature of unstructuredness that I am, I cannot imagine being my husband and knowing that I will get up and go to work 235 days out of the year and will continue to do so for the next 30 years without end. All the while I enjoy days of relative freedom. Yes, I work hard to create a home and take care of our children, but I have a lot of freedom to structure my days. He never complains that I spend too much, or take for granted his hard work, which after all facilitates my trips around the world, my visits with friends, and my runs through the target clearance aisle. He supports my every action and decision. (you may remember a most recent example in my
infidelity post)
I am lucky to have a dad much like my husband. Always working hard to

be the one behind the scenes creating opportunities for his family. Their service and diligence brings us blessings! They are tireless, they mow the lawns, the take out the trash, the carry all heavy suitcases, the keep things around the house in tip top shape with nary a complaint. Being my father or husband means you get roped into a lot by virtue of association. Things like wedding flower and cake transport, portrait painting, poster making, PTO events, helping set up for big church events, tending kids (often more than just mine), or running the show while I am off giving presentations or at a church activity.
It is always said that behind every good man is a good woman, but I really can attest that behind smart mamas are definitely some smart daddy-os. I appreciate the hard work, sacrifice, and goodness of so many men around me. I look to them to teach my sons how to grow up to be good, strong, kind men! So thanks for all you do.
Today's assignment in a word I want something you love about your husband or dad...
(Ps - more good reading, another cute dad post by my friend
1. my husband
2. my dad
3. good men
At the end of each day, as I reflect back on the events, how thankful I am to have a great husband and father for my children. Your Dad really is a great man and a great Baba - who loves his children and grandchildren so much. As I write this comment he is playing games with his favorite grand daughters! Kind, loving,devoted,hard working,compassionate...
and I could go on and on! We too are thankful for Allen...he is a "keeper" too. Wonderful son-in-laws are great blessings in a Mother's life.
I also cannot imagine having the same 9-5 job day in and day out until 65 or so. Thank goodness my dh loves his work!
I love what you said about all the things in the background to support you and all your activities--I could have written the exact same thing! How many times has my husband helped with setup, takedown, transportation, and a zillion other things. I always know that if something can be fixed, he can fix it. And he always has.
I love this post...I could say the same things too about Greg, my sons and son-in-laws. I love your dad. I call him Linnebabba. He is one of my favorite people. I admire many things about him ( and your mom) and know you get much of your goodness from them. I know Allen is a great husband too. You are a lucky girl to have so much love and support in your life.
A guy in my ward gave a great talk yesterday, recognizing that not everyone has had a dad like this and the ward leaders, home teachers, visiting teachers need to fill that role...I loved that for those who need it and don't have it.
I know you have helped do that too! xoxoxx suz
suz-you always leave such nice juicy full comments- greg is a great man always in the backgound making things happen
truly what powerful effects great men have on our lives.
T&K- I wish IO knew your dhs
I love this!! And it is so true. My husband is valiant. That is my word.
And yipee I won! I want the palm tree one. LOVE it!! YAY!!
i forgot to give you my word- dutiful!
There is nothing better in this grand plan than a strong father and husband, thanks for the reminder to count the blessings. Even as it is 9:45 now and he is still tickling the kids upstairs. (Dad's bedtime rules are somewhat different)
He always says that he could never do my job, but really I don't think I could do his and handle the pressure like him so gracefully. We are lucky women, truly.
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