motherhood is sometimes downright hard and dirty-- you've all been there- whining, messes, sleeplessness- it is easy to remember the hard- sometimes we forget the sweet. I think back to my life 5 BK (this is 5 years ago-- before kids) and how different everything was-It was more orderly, I read more, definitely slept more, my hair was better, not to mention my stomach. But I didn't have goodnight snuggles, babies kisses and someone to eat cookie dough with in the middle of the afternoon. I love being a mom, and as much as the rewards are intrinsic- sometimes it helps to see proof that you did something good-- oh sure i believe the angels are transcribing our great deeds but that doesn't always help you sweep the floor or change one mroe diaper. (maybe thats why i blog- to create this alternate history where i am always the fun, thoughtful, witty wonder mom)
we're short on sleep around here this week so I am providing today some of my favorite motherhood proof-- proof to myself of all the fun of all the beauty of growing up and the mom that has been there along the way-- growing into something she needs to be.
I give you some of my sons paintings-its not just the pictures but all they represent, the exploration, the loves, the little indiosyncrasies of childhood and how our kids make our world more beautiful and more meaningful, in so many ways...
(thomas, sea creatures, arnie the donut, rolling marbles, space, and my favorite the asian flu virus (yes done from a microscope image- don't worry its from a magazine not a fresh sample!)
I love your wall o'pics. I have one of Annie's art in her room and it's her favorite thing to show her friends when they come over.
I jsut love, love, love children's art work! They are so uninhibited with color and their imagination is so pure. We adults let ourselves get all blocked up. :)
I love the children's artwork! I wanted to tell you that I did live in Illinois, Belleville. Do we know each other? If so, that is soooo cool!
By the way, I had NO IDEA that you are a artist. I looked at your gallery and I am blown away!! I am an artist myself but I always use my children as an excuse as to why I cannot produce meaningful works of art. I am ashamed now when I see what you do just when your child is napping!! AMAZING!!!!! :)
Anywho, what was your Maiden name? Mine was Zoe Howard.
I love it! What a wonderful experience for him!
I love them.
How do you get him to paint the whole page? Do they paint a background color first or do they paint around the other stuff?
How was he when he did them?
yep- the secret is a background color actually he usually uses 3-5 to get a good variation--then he can draw on with pencil and paint in-- Our whole playroom is covered in them-- those are some of my favorites we have about 25 of them "on display"
most age 4 - a few since he turned 5
I can't believe it!! I thought, last night after I figured out that your name was Leslie, that you were Kimber's sister but I wanted to wait and see. You look so different!! (Obviously . . . ) How is your sister doing? It is so funny because I spent all night last night reminiscing about your family and my sleep overs. I remember that your father always made us pancakes for breakfast in the mornings and I remember playing the best games at your house. Wow! I cannot believe it.
Hi Leslie,
I am still planning on emailing you when I get a free moment! :) This weekend has been crazy. But, I wanted to say - YOU ARE A SMART MAMA!!! I cannot believe that you graduated from college at 19!!! How old were you when you graduated from High school?
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