"Home can be a heaven on earth"...when Wright's dairy is in the fridge!!"
As you can see we (me and sick kids) took a little fieldtrip today to the worlds best dairy farm- a true new england gem-- Sadly the pictures don't do it justice... The cake in the back is 6 inches tall (now in my stomach) eclair is 9 inches long! The best part is most treats are under $1!
One taste and you are hooked- I like to think I make mean desserts but Wrights still has one up on me. I like to go there (of course to show my boys the cows and help them apprecaite the wonderful beasts who bring us such confections!) and experience what I term HEAVEN IN A BOX. Lest you think I am a slave to my physical appetites-- Eating these delectable treats of cream, pastry, cake, and frosting actually elevates your spirit-- At least this is how it works for me...If life on earth can be this good-- and we know heaven is far better--then WOW! Heaven really is worth working for.
So if you need to remember why its so important to be good-- Do what is Wrights!
Is that a cranberry orange muffin? Dibs!
whoa-- you've got a good eye- sure is!
Um, I want one! I am drooling on the keyboard.
can I come visit? I'd love a napoleon right now.
My grandparents have been begging for a visit. This might have tipped the scale.
Those treats look so good! Yummy. Hope your kids feel better soon.
oh man you are mean. I could sure go for some kind of pastry right now.
Les, watch out, they are going to hire you to write their jingles! Giggle...
Can't wait for our Saturdayly trip to Krispie Kreme in the morn now!
hahaha! Would you send me just ONE of those treats? (it would probably be NASTY by the time it got across the country to WA) I wonder if our local dairy has this bit of heaven................
mummmmmmmmmm, drooling, ummmmmmmm.
that all looks so yum!
oh my gosh, How come when I lived in New Englad I never knew about Wrights dairy? We did go to the little icecream stands every summer,frequently. As well as that yummy fruit stand near Cambridge that had heavenly mile high apple pies.
I wish you could send me a box of heaven too.
one dollar !!! wow
i think i know whats wrights :P and ima do it
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