Everyone likes a choose your own ending adventure books-- well today we are playing that game with art...
as I confessed yesterday I am in this bird painting phase, (yes i am a fickle artist and i can only paint when i am in a certain groove-- when you get an inspiration you have to do it - immediately) trouble is it is coinciding with sick kids, dinner guests, soccer class, and 101 other things on the schedule.
I am trying to decide the direction to take these birds - So I turning to you all for help- yesterday you saw rufous hummingbird- I like the bright background but i think maybe too bright?-- I just can't decide on backgrounds-- do i want something bold?? do i want something subdued?? Yes i have talked about my terrible indecisiveness before and I need your vote-The other question... I am doing this for somewhere in my house, or just to sell, or just to sit in my studio and be stared at. Anyway I turn to you- great blog world for your opinions..
hummingbird #3- still in progress- place your vote for background color range
1-light lilacy- violet (compliment to yellow) like this XXXXXXXXX or XXXXXX
2-buttery to golden red yellow (compliment to purple and analogous to many other colors in pic- cheery) XXXXXXXor XXXXXX
3 pale robin egg-periwinkle (analogous to purple and green dominant painting colors-- cool feeling) like this XXXXXXXX to XXXXXX
4 deep darker green (totally show off bird) XXXXXX or XXXXXX
5 orangey rusty (vibrant) XXXXXXX or XXXXXX
Thanks- the ever tormented artist!!
just a note to say that the green wasn't too bright at all yesterday - gorgeous!
Definitely ditto on the "not to bright" sentiment. Of course, my favorite color is green! My vote for today's would be a sunny yellow, partly because the sunny 66 degree weather today has me in a yellow mood, partly because it would bring out that surprising and lovely touch of purple.
PS. Thanks for the comment on my blog! Another surprising momment of sunshine in my day!
I loved the one you did yesterday. And I'd do something totally wild with this one, an oriental print, a plaid, something that would make it totally different from the other one.
I'd vote for something more soothing and subdued. You are a wonderful artist. I, too, think yellow would be nice and love the purple in the humming bird.
Buttery to golden yellow so the bird pops out. The focus is on him and that would look awesome...just my 2 cents! Can't wait to see the finished result!
I vote golden red/yellow. I don't think the green was too bright yesterday either. Beautiful! You are so talented!
I also vote more subdued.
You are so talented!!! I love poking through your gallery. I have my eye on one...
I thing choice #2 would be great. I love yellow....you are so talented...I love all your other paintings.
I say the yellow too. And I love this one! My mom has hummingbird feeders surrounding her house and we like to stand under them and the hummies fly all around our head and if we hold really still, they'll land on our fingers.
I am liking the 3 option. maybe the purple one instead of the green cause you did green last time LOL I just love the study. I am getting the itch to do some scetches.
I think the yellow goldenrod camp is taking the lead-- trying to decide where to add some branches or flowers it is sipping nectar from-- smart dad just thinks i should do multiple versions (cause after all i have time to paint a million birds right). I am trying to get projects lined up for saturday listening!
ohh misty- on the finger
I think the yellow would be nice as well. lol. I also agree about the flower or something. When I first saw it I thought a bright red flower for it to be sipping out of would be pretty, but what do I know? I flunked out of art. lol
I vote for 1 or 2.
I am really liking the yellows today though.
Well, I was liking the robin egg idea, thinking it would go along in a series and be nice next to the green you did yesterday (which I love). Seriously, you should think of themn in a grouping and let that guide you...
Here's another vote for the yellow! It's beautiful--I love all your paintings!!
Pale robin's egg with wispy clouds. :)
Ohhhhhh, I love it. I love it. I wish that we were neighbors. I cannot believe how talented you are. My take, I would love to see a blend of periwinkle and purple. Maybe make a series with different colors in each and hang them up together in a collage.
Okay, I am doing a painting for my neighbor, totally not original. But, after I finish, I am hitting it on my own. I know about those urges. When they hit, I can't let them go.
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