There are a few things no one tells you about before you have kids - first- When you are nursing you will literally be up every 2 hours to nurse- which will take 40 minutes and then you go back to sleep and wake up 1 hr and 20 min later- repeat cycle through the entire night for months on end (at which point your are so sleep deprived you resemble someone on heavy doses of controlled substances)! the second secret is the high chair stage- And for the record- I HATE the high chair stage-absolutely, positively, can't stand this part, IMO the most tortorous part of young motherhood.
Stickiness everywhere, crumbs in every crevice, morsels of food scattered all over my floor, 2-3 outfits a day, no bib or washcloth is an equal match for this evil, no matter how clean you get it the cycle repeats itself 5x a time and you are taken from clean to filth in a matter of seconds. Here is an image- for you to appreciate--smart baby's high chair- after his breakfast of oatmeal and muffin. smart baby is not the neatest or most agreeable eater which only serves to complicate matters. I would be so much happier if there were disposable high chairs- or atleast some sort of auto carwash you could send it through with high powered brushes and sudsing action, instead it is mom with a toothbrush and bleach water- All I can say is smart baby- I love you alot and if you weren't so incredibly cute you 'd be eating in a trough on the floor.

Cute post - very cute picture!
Yes, I agree, I love the picture. Babies are messy creatures, that's for sure.
I also hate the highchair stage. Which is why I'm rebelling against it. My tips with living through it?
1. Toss the highchair. Get one of these for $10 from Target: (there should be a link here for a booster seat. But apparently they don't sell their $10 booster online. But I promise that they have it and you will love it. )
Cheap, dishwasher safe, no crevices, and only one place to clean (table top and floor underneath) rather then several places (adding the highchair and under the highchair).
2. Don't even try bibs. Seriously. We strip down to diapers on a regular basis at our house. Much better then washing clothes and bibs and kids. We just wash kids instead.
i would totally take the high chair phase over the nursing every 2 hours phase. man! no one ever told me about that--that's for sure!
oh the many surprises of motherhood.
I was just grumbling about this last night after spaghetti for dinner and chocolate chocolate chip cookies for FHE. Talk about a BAD COMBO when it comes to post clean-up!
Hmm, not sure if I should have read this since I'm due with my first in 10 weeks :-)
I tried to avoid the high chair issues with a "hook on to the table" booster seat. The one I bought is harder to clean than the high chair, AND we have to keep a foot and a half radius clear around her so she doesn't get burned or make a complete mess of the table. Grrr! I'll have to check out the one Amber suggested.
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