I've been busy- Sometimes it is hard when you aren't taking a class to make yourself grow as an artist, and then again right now I am really mom with an order of artist on the side. I try to force myself to change styles, genres in order to stay fresher but, still you always feel like your work looks like your work- I know that's not necessarily a bad thing but I like change, so I try to mix it up. I remember one studio art assignment to do 50 pieces in a weekend- sometimes just cranking out volume improves your work- well I certainly can't produce like that with my household to run--but I can give myself my own assignment- So here are the products of 5 days nap times and evenings- Usually I can't paint this fast- I guess sometimes you just have "energy" you have to get out and this week I channeled it into painting (when I haven't been finishing the bat costume or doing my exotic tasks like laundry--So this week I did 7 paintings- here are some of them- 3 impressionistic, 2 abstract, and 2 landscapes (a rarity for me!)you'll notice no portraits in that list! I forced myself to be a master color mixer on the landscapes and confined my palette to 4 tubes of paint (white, red, yellow, blue- true primaries. It is slower but really makes you think in terms of color theory.
So we have
Arches 18x24
Newport- 16x20
Peonies- 16x20
Hollyhocks 16x20
those are impressive! I need to come take lessons.
I'm doing a 3 part class for enrichment- can't you come across the border...
Hey, I just checked your painting site and they're not up there! (I'm totally interested in the 2nd one.)
I love them! Your impressionist stuff is my favorite. I can't believe you can manage to get so many done in such a short time!
I LOVE your hollyhocks stuff. LOVE!!!
I'm seriously impressed. Not only did you churn them out quickly, you got the colors just right and they look fabulous.
Great job. I need to Drag out my watercolors again.
thanks guys-
julie- sorry i haven't posted them to the gallery site yet- (friends get special discount) - if you want more info- just email me - it's on my profile-
Those are great!! I love it!!
I've always loved the hollyhocks. This one is especially pretty. I liked the ones you did once that had the reds and oranges too. Maybe I can learn how to paint some:-)
another lover of Hollyhocks here. I'm totally impressed with both your talent and your energy.
those are BEAUTIFUL!!! wow.
holy prolific!
holy cow - you really are broadening your horizons. they're amazing, les!
holy smokes!!! when I came to your blog before, it slipped past me that you had TWO blogs ... and one was all about your cakes. you paint also?!
I'd have to agree with you below that this 'highchair' stage is killing me. even though we moved them out of highchairs a few months ago - food is EVERY.WHERE.
I just bought our kiddos their first finger paints yesterday - so hopefully, soon enough, I'll be posting art work on our blog, too!!
you really are one smart mama AND extremely talented!
You have captured my heart!! The first two look just like the northern Arizona desert and the Oregon coast. My two homes. :)
Absolutely inspiring, Smartmama!!! You amaze me at your ability to do so much! Keep up the fabulous work.
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