well it's finally summer in new England- it has been slow coming this year...
I have blogged before about how life would be better if it were like a movie and someone cued music for you- perfect for the moments for your life like in movies how it fades in and out setting the tone for each setting... and I especially want this for summertime, because summer and music are inseparable
I was cranking some "summer music" today as I attempted to whip my life back into shape after my Texas trip, finish another painting, run errands, and pack for camping...
summer music isn't necessarily your standard fare- usually a little more groove, or things you might be embarrassed to admit you love, but it makes you think of staying up late, hanging out with friends, drive-ins, parties, going to the beach, drinking cool drinks, being outside, pools, hammocks, all that is good and American about summer.
so here are some takes from "smart mama's life soundtrack" summer reminiscences
stayin' alive- bee gees - playing at the park & gazebo the summer I finished high school
we trying to stay alive- wyclef jean- chaperoning many youth dances
stay- dave matthews- an essential summer song - moving to California
close to me- the cure- the summer after I graduated from college roadtrips
you surround me- erasure - going on walks on summer nights while visiting my grandparents in AZ when I was in highschool
rockin' me- steve miller- riding hot buses all over the egypt & israel on study abroad the the byu jerusalem center
feelin' good- michael buble- summer 06- smart son has the remote and knows how to repeat track
so here's wishing you some great summer music for all your summer trips, daydreaming, and activities- give me one of your favorites...
(oh and in honor of summer music take special note of my skill in choosing song title lyrics for all of this weeks posts)
Oh, you are so clever! We've been singing "There ain't no cure for the summertime blues" to excess around here.
first of all, I love your hair in that picture. i'm growing mine out. again.
and I totally agree, life needs a musical score. however, my brain is pretty good at providing one, as i always seem to have a tune or two running through my head. usually triggered by something someone says or I see, but whatever. I think its crazy how memory-inducing music can be. even just a few notes, and they come flooding back. gotta love it :)
oops forgot to give one of my favoites. Lynard Skynard "Sweet Home Alabama" has been repeating a lot in my car lately. Highly recommend thier greatest hits album. Lots of college memories--watching friends' bands play and road trips to Lake Powell. Anything that I can play loud and belt out. ahh the memories
thanks -sabey- i am searching for a new cut (ripped up a whole in style mag in TX- but i can't bring myself to lose my length (thank some fresh lowlights & highlights) the problem is glam doesn't go with wash n go mom
ohh an S.H.A. is on my summer cd of yesterday
I love this idea, I will have to search through my stuff and come up with some more.
The Beach Boys always make me think of summer, just cause my Dad would play them on our vacation drives. :)
Great tunes!!
Oh you are this week's flip winner!!
Summertime, by DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Price. I read your title and that is all I could think of!
I love your artwork BTW!
did you see that you're the Friday Flip Up of the Day? Congrats, mamasita!
oh, and for summer music, can't beat Dan Zanes's Night Time. That was what was stuck in my cd player last summer and now it feels like summer every time I hear it.
I like your list. I heard something the other day by the red-hot chili peppers that reminded me of the summer after I graduated. But, of course now I can't remember the title. :)
Nothing says summer to me like a little Bob Marley!
The BeeGee's will always always remind me of that park and the gazebo. Shadow Dancing too...That 4 Non Blondes What's Going On song reminds me of the summer during (or right after?) high school. Right now we are all about Simon and Garfunkel's At the Zoo. My heart seriously melts when my kids are singing along and Piper is bobbing her little head...I love summer! And I agree your hair looks fab-u-lous!!!
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