There is nothing quite like setting foot on home soil after a long solo parenting trip--Just getting in your home state brings a rush. You feel like effusively kissing the parking valet who has loaded your suitcases into your car and turned on you a/c, The schlepping and wrangling is almost over. No more trudging long distances wearing a carseat as a backpack, your clothes covered in who knows what, pushing a stroller, balancing bags, shelling out snacks, corralling a busy 5 yr old. No more trips through airport security, solo parent 24 hrs a day, Herculean feats like occupying a 13 mo old on a plane for 6 hrs.
As much as i love to travel- there is nothing like the relaxation of getting home after a trip.
As you know shelah is a fabulous friend to let us descend upon her en mass for days-- displacing children from their routines, beds, territory and sense of normalcy.

Our group photo- 5 kids-2 moms -hot day at the zoo and camera on auto timer
smart baby chillin' on the plane (no he wasn't this happy the whole time)
Shelah and Annie on our quick trip south of the border (okay not

smart son and isaac hitting the slip and slide.
Thanks shelah for a great trip- we can't wait to come back... but don't worry we'll give you a breather...
oh so to tell you how tired i was last night i heard smart baby crying and leapt out of bed (so as to get him before he woke anyone) and ran into a wall (it took me a minute to remember what house i was in and where the door was) I got smart baby and suddenly realized what am i doing? smart daddy-o always gets him in the night (even smart daddy-o said- what were you doing last night??) better than abou t year ago when i came back from a trip-I was so asleep I heard crying in the night and asked smart daddy-o in the pitch black "where am i?", "who are you?" (the second questions was the hilarious one- and luckily i don't have a suspicious husband)
oh-- and a note on the travel front- smart mama is one busy chick this summer- galavanting off to various destinations for the greater part of the summer- so really as much i will try to keep posting and commenting- i may be scarce-so no, its not because you offended me but because my internet connection won't be following me...
And I know the feeling...in 4 mths I will be falling on the ground kissing American SOIL...making an idiot of myself an NOT caring! I plan to do the same in Wal Mart later that day!
that looks well worth two flight delays.
Found you through valarie's blog. You could also call this blog brave mama. You are a brave girl to travel alone with your kids. I'm not at all that brave and I only have one! Love your cakes!
So much fun! The summer always seems to be such a blur! Have a blast and be safe!!
Glad you made it safely home! Sounds like you had a lot of fun, if not on the journey, at least at the destination!
Looks like a blast!! I thought that I had food snobbery issues- but I could clearly learn a thing or 5 from you and shelah.
You're home and have enough energy to write! You're way ahead of me and I didn't have to spend countless hours in planes and airports!
And yo-- can you email me the pictures?
WELCOME BACK! Sounds exhausting, but fun.
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