Well yesterday(okay i guess it is now today) was my mad day of getting ready to leave for the beach tomorrow- things like planning and shopping for 24 meals for 10 people (which is huge when you have to remember which spices to bring etc.) I did manage to fit in a fun afternoon of lunch and pool time with my aunt and uncle. I sold two more paintings and will likely have a commission for a third (48x36 big branch one) waiting for me when I get home. I got 2 paintings shipped off for the VBF auction. I am working on another here on vacation and I am supposed to stop into "talk" with 2 galleries while I am in the outer banks about my crab series. I got asked to design a psychosocial project to be presented to med group for funding (yes that will be waiting for me when I return). i got to visit my friend, courtney, in her gorgeous house and she provided me with the perfect paint color for my family room! I went to visit my grandma who is recovering from a fall at a skilled nursing facility. In a few hours, I head out to get my haircut we’ll see if I get brave and do anything drastic (doubtful) I have been hard at work baking and freezing wedding cakes/grooms cakes/frosting for my post vacation wedding/cake& flowers gig (yes that is about 160 servings of a double layer cake). I have been throwing together all the bows for the corsages. Smart son has been picking chokecherries in the pasture to make syrup for sourdough pancakes. He has also become my total math whiz- quickly taking up double and triple digit addition and starting into multiplication?? (yes he is 5) Smart baby was better today- he has been a teething mess, satisfied only by dairy queen ice cream (free for kids under 3). smart daddy-o is arriving home after trip to ireland.
I am now crashing into bed... and yes that will be a literal crash..
I really wanted to blog my favorite thing about Virginia today but that will have to wait– I hope to get one more blog in before I sign off for a week to enjoy a most fabulous vacation on the outer banks, spending my days at the pool, at the beach, catching crabs, lounging in my favorite house, going to the blue point for dinner, and eating yum food. I am not bringing a computer with me, but I will promise pictures when I return.