Blogs are like the pen pals of the "lead age" (lead pencil age that is). A friend you haven't met but who you wrote back and forth to. In theory, they were a listening ear, they taught you things about their lives, they brought an element of surprise, they taught you that relationships are really about sharing and listening. It was the stuff of sappy human interest stories on the 5 o'clock local news - you know 2-- 75 year old women who had be corresponding across the continents for decades and their dying wishes to meet. It was the stuff of movies- like Shop Around the Corner.
Well in this the "chip age" we have turned in our pencils- probably because our handwriting is so bad (from typing everything) and the post office is always raising the stamp rate (why pay for slow snail mail when the you can it for free in the blink of an eye over the internet) but the same relationships still exist. In our convienience age blogs are pen pals 7-ELEVEN style. 24 hour access-for all your 1 am company cravings, like a pack of hostess donuts they give you that extra burst of energy you need, or those cherry pies (heavenly concococtions of lard and sugar) that coat your throat and make everythign slide down a little easier, or like the super big gulp fountain drink bar an endless variety of tasty choices to fit your every mood!! (so many great blogs so little time)
You so today I am sending out some love to my "pen pals", the smart women who give me a little push, make me laugh and cheer me on-- you know who you are cause you are reading this. Your blogs are the Fritos and twinkies of my day. A great circle of gals who make my days better- it is to hard to name them all, some are in cosa mofstra, others pop in from parts south and west- (I don't know if anyone is east or north of me?) to say hi. We are those 5 o'clock news stories waiting to happen-- okay maybe by then they'll be TLC podcasts called "A Blogging Story"!
totally true. I need my fix of voyeurism every day. But is it really voyeurism if people publish about themselves?
I agree. I think of blogs as one giant mesh of support groups. I like the 7-11 concept. Can I be the fritos?
I tell my husband that this is my daily dose of therapy. I never leave feeling sad or depressed, only uplifted and supported. You women are wonderful! I feel lucky to have found blogging.
YAY for bloggin!!!!!!
I knew there was a theraputic reason behind my addiction ;)
Love the plate! Blogging is so fun and helps me realize I am not alone in the ups and downs in the journey of motherhood.
Gotta love blogs. You gals got me hooked like my Diet Coke! LOL
A very nice tribute to blogging! I have often thought about that. When I have friends who I haven't heard from in a long time, I always thing, "Why can't they just have a blog?!!" Speaking of which, does Kimber have a blog!! If not, you need to get on her! :) I LOVE BLOGGING as much as Slurpees!
So true! Since I am taking a break from my message board, I have found that blogging is such a great way to keep in touch. And I have met some new friends too.
I love to just click random on the MOF ring and I am always so glad at what I find to read.
Love the plate too.
Ah, you put it so well! You are my slushee and I am your Whatchmacallit...
Great post! Thanks for your post
MMM, slurpees...
*laugh* But the lard tastes soooo good! *Passes you some strawberry shortcake with partially hydronated strawberry cream spread*
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