Monday, April 03, 2006

inalienable rights

life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...thats what it's all about right.

when it comes to being a mom it seems as though some liberties go out the window.

we could make motherhood a more sane experience if the following rights were granted to all mothers...
1. the right to a nap if any of the following apply- you are awakend more than 2x a night, or your total number of sleep is less than 6 hrs.
2. the right to eat at least one meal a day where you sit down for 10 minutes straight
3. the right to go to the bathroom with no visitors
4. the right to a phone conversation without interruption.
5. the right to cook dinner with out someone holding on to you or you holding on to someone.
6. the right to one day a week with no whining or crying

maybe these rights are just dreams-
dreams of our former lives, things we look back on with a sort of elementary school nostalgia for another time and place when things were simple. but then again if we had them i'm afraid we wouldn't feel like mothers.

Motherhood is not for the faint hearted! Take courage mothers and realize all do for your cause!Onward in the Pursuit of the greatest happiness.


Zoe said...

Here here!! I am also for the right to shower without an audience!

Kermit~the~Frog said...

I'm all for it.

#4 especially. I need to chat with grown-ups to stay sane!

Stacy said...

Well said!!! I think we all long for the breaks - but when we get them we feel almost lost or incomplete. (that's why being empty-nesters is so hard on mothers) However... I would 2nd the motion in a HEARTBEAT!!!

Gabriela said...

I agree with Zoe, I would love a shower to myself. *sigh* Someday! And no whining or crying? I'd be satisfied with a couple of hours let alone an entire day!

Lei said...

Wow - that sure would be nice. Onward and upward!

Nettie said...

Too true! How about getting to eat and drink without sharing? Saliva sauce, blech!

Rachelle said...

I'll ratify that. I like the nap clause.

Anonymous said...

I would like to second this motion. All in favor?

Seriously, why do mom's just attract the attention while the dad's get off scott free?

BTW - Yay for me for picking the winning color!!!! It looks awesome!

lackrik said...

As I was making dinner last night with a child attached to my leg screaming at me...I thought the same thing and dreamed about the day I can make dinner in peace and quiet. lol

T said...

I had a day today when I so needed all of the above! Sometimes you just need some personal space.

S said...

AMEN!!! I would love to be able to go inot the bathroom without an audience, or seeinh little fingers wiggling under the door!