New England is the deal mecca --The unending winters, insane house prices, and unique characters of New England are unbearable, but the deals are its redemption. I have friends and relatives who make trips to shop here (I provide the bed and breakfast and my deal guide skills free of charge) Even my mother a professed non shopper sneaks of to do "one more run".
In case you noticed a hiatus from blogging for the last few days, we had friends visiting, which meant a pilgrimage to all the sights or at least the shops....
To detail some of my great deals of the last 2 days-- 4 new ties for my boys (Childrens place outlet 99 cents each), a full size bag o milanos I am gorging myself on while i type (pepperidge farm store- 80 cents), 60 x 84 lined silk dupioni curtain panels (which ROCK!!) (4.99 christmas tree shops), fabulous bronze knobs for my FR armoire (3.40$ restoration hardward outlet) 12 color prismacolor markers (7.99 BLDG 19- yes reatil 32$) Ribbon-as pictured above- over 120 yards 14$ (wrights ribbon and trim outlet)
The deals here cater to all levels-- from the restoration hardward outlet where the deals are in the thousands of dollars, to christmas tree shops a true new england gem (where you can get deals on everything from almond extract to back to basics shampoo) and Bldg. 19- (a place so flithy I actually consider showering with lysol before reentering my house)-- but i go for the greatest childrens book deals on the planet. We also have worlds best marshalls thanks to TJX headquartes in Boston. And a killer Gap that allows me to get the cutest jammies for a mere 3.97 a pop!
so if you have ever wondered why people are crazy enough to live in New England...now you know the answer.
Crazy to live in New England? Then I have loved being a real loon. Not only do I love New England shopping (where else can you walk into an antique store and find it full of just antique clocks or English Transferware?) But I love the delis, the federal and georgian architecture, candles in the windows, old dry stack rock walls, the history, traffic circles (yes-I guess I am crazy)....Congratulations on your deals!
Man . . . that is just not fair!!! Great finds! I would love to live on the east coast! Maybe I will have to come out to visit!! LOL!
WOW!!! Wanna pick up some ties for my boys?
Glad you had a great time!
Sounds very, very dangerous!!! And, like a lot of fun.
Planning my trip now...
I wish I could remember the name of that store in Worcester that we use to go to often for great deals... I'll have to think about it and let you know if I remember.
Love all the ribbon.
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