If you are looking for Outer Space themed Cakes. Here are tutorials for constellation, alien, planet, and UFO cupcakes. You can also see my
rocket and earth cakes and
rocket cupcakes.
How to Make Constellation Cupcakes:
1. Frost cupcake in Blue frosting.
2. Roll out yellow laffy taffy.
3. Cut out with tiny star cutters (Wilton)
4. Add sprinkles.
Aliens Cupcakes (idea from Hello, Cupcake)
modified due to my jumbo donut holes...
How to make UFO Cupcakes
1. Frost cupcake in Blue.
2. Sprinkle edge with confetti sprinkles.
3. Place zebra cake on top.
4. slice donut hole in half.
5. frost 1/2 in blur frosting fro UFO dome.
6. Roll out green laffy taffy or air head, cut into strip for band.
7. Place dome on top of the UFO.
How to Make planet cupcakes (Not Shown)
1. Frost cupcake in blue.
2. Sprinkle edge with confetti sprinkles.
3. A small slice from each cut side.
4. Separate an oreo (golden or regular) place a bit of frosting on the top and bottom.
5. Place cookie sandwich style between cut donut hole to make a ring.
Disclaimer: We were going to make these planet cupcakes at cupcake class. I had tried it out a few weeks previous. I knew I needed a lot of donut holes so I special ordered them from a grocery store bakery. Well, when the holes were picked up they were huge- Super Jumbo Size. While I appreciate the generosity it adversely affected the aesthetic and balance of this weeks designs and I had to scrap the planet design completely due to the bad proportioning.