I know many moms who hate legos because of their inherent messiness and tiny pieces. I had to laugh as I was at the lego store picking bricks from the brick wall and many moms were talking about how once their kids built something with legos they wouldn't let anyone touch them and cursing the tiny pieces; all this as I am shaking down our pick-a-brick box to fit just a few more singles in the remaining cracks extolling the virtues and possibilities of each piece to smart son. We have the reverse problem both my boys and husband once they build something want to disassemble it, add to it, or make it into other things (it is that spatial/engineering gene) and seriously I can't deny that type of play. I actually encourage it- yep it is the teacher in me.
lately I have been doing a series of monochromatic themed vehicles
here are a few from our "mother son building time" as smart son likes to call it
the all terrain tank for the sandy planet tatooine
Blue and yellow train platform for the mighty santa fe
the red samurai warrior vehicle inspired by Night of the Ninjas magic treehouse book
the white hothmobile (inspired by the snowy planet on return of the jedi- you should see my skilled ton-ton impersonation!- remember when they went out on the rescue mission- this could have saved the poor tonton from freezing!)
yellow and black bee mobile- used for collecting nectar and honey
green lantern mobile- inspired by the superhero stamps for birthday invites
imperial spy (laying down) seriously this was a great creation
the ice mobile- made almost entirely of clear blocks- also good for the planet hoth
LOVE legos. My 2yo calls them "byocks" and will not acknowledge plain ol' wooden blocks (which I also love) as real blocks.
I'd rather pick up a million legos than listen to a talking/beeping toy that plays with itself all day.
I'd also rather let my husband clean up the barfed car. He is definitely the best at that. :)
You are terribly creative with the legos...VERY smart hothmobile.
cym- you are welcome in my lego land anytime- Yah i am starting my 20 mo old early! amen to the legos anyday vs obnoxious toys!
Totally love Legos, here, too. I love anything build-related. I can spend huge amounts of time laying out train tracks and the like. Much more patience for that than playing with action figures. So, in our house, Dad does the action figures stuff and I do anything that requires building and the like. But I also get the vomit...
My kids have never been lego fans... seems strange almost. But for that matter, my 8 year old was completely uninterested in any sort of toy by age 5. He prefers computers, guitars, swimming and ALL sports.
my kids are total lego freaks (evidenced by the two bins in the boys room that are constantly dumped all over the floor). Anyway, here's a lego video I thought you'd appreciate (don't let smartson see it though-- it's racy): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-tkqpHnxTI
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