Saturday, October 25, 2008

Oh Robert Frost it's not that easy!

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not travel both...

Yes, that is pure recall from my 3 grade coerced poetry memorization. It just popped into my head because right now I am working on a big new painting (Yes the paint is wet on my palette as I type but I took a break for some fresh choclate chip cookies which will be coming steaming out of my oven in about 2 minutes-- just enough time to blog) And I keep finding myself at an impasse: continue this? change this? add this? try this? this color? this pattern? My brain is exhausted with the millions of small decisions in this piece. All to create color harmony, flow, mood, tone, message...

Maybe for poets it's 2 roads but for artists it's more like 257 roads diverged in a yellow wood. Try to make that poetic sounding Mr. Frost.

1. clean house 2. new painting 3. music on the Ipod


LL said...

YES, but is the oven on???
i'm laughing.
You might be taking 257 roads, and somehow, you manage to enjoy the ride while taking time to make it look easy.
multi task, right ?!?!

Trueman twins said...

Is it a yellow road, red road, snow covered road?? So many decisions to make sometimes. Yet your painting ALWAYS turn out beautiful! I'm sure the cookies helped in the decision making process. Chocolate has a way of doing that!

Becky said...

please post this painting so that we can all partake in the beauty. choc. chip cookies sound really good right now, thanks for the inspiration!:)

Reluctant Nomad said...

You are right on. so true.

Unknown said...

You, my dear, are the motion of that poetry. Painting, blogging, baking and enjoying. Probably all while juggling smart sons and more side projects. Paint on! And take as many roads as you can. Can't wait to see this new creation!

Charlotte said...

How do you do it all? Do you only need 4 hours of sleep a night? Tell Mr. N "Hello" for me. He's such a good boy.

Anonymous said...

enjoy the cookies and I'm sure the new piece will be stunning!!