Today was one of those work around the house , 6 loads of laundry, family clean, wear Pj's the entire day, and try to return life to a semblance of order after Smart daddy-o was away in Japan for a week (hence lack of blogging) kind of days. As I tucked smart son into bed tonight and I asked his most special time of the day he said, "Being home and not having to go anywhere all day! And cleaning the bathroom counters and toilets! (his job at family clean today)"
You may question what type of torture my child must endure to report his favorite time of the day was cleaning toilets- but i savored his comment- I feel successful that he is content to just spend a day- nothing flashy, nothing that costs money, just enjoying family, playing with toys, being creative, and feel happy as a result of working hard and knowing you've done a good job at something. The thing I worry most about is my kids growing up in such a trouble, confusing world, but when they make comments like that you know they get the important stuff!
He is growing up I really love being around him! And man I LOVE the way he thinks! Here are some of my favorite smart son conversations of the day
I was attempting a leisurely bath when someone bursts into the bathroom and through the curtain I hear "Mom, it's just like being on and island out in some water, and then looking around and flying over to another island in the middle of water, and then going to another and another- and making lines as you fly"
"What is?" Needing some context for this sudden random image/analogy.
"Living in a dot to dot!"
Tonight he got talking about what life was like in different times- this was first prompted by him putting on one of my stretchy headbands around his head 80's sweatband style. After putting it on he asked "Mom, why did people wear bands around their heads in olden days?"
We didactically decided 1- functionally- it was because of the excessive physical labor in hot climates and it kept the sweat of your face, reason number 2- well you never can account for the Fads of the ages.
Then we started talking about life before different inventions and technologies. I said, "What do you think people did before CD, radios- for music?" (hoping for they practiced and learned to make music on their own) The first thing I got was a response about player pianos and then he shot back immediately, "They went outside!"
"Outside?," I puzzled needing more info.
"Yes, they could just look for a nest(outside=nest=bird=bird songs!)".
It was such a fabulous unexpected answer.
Then we got talking about life before cars and pioneers and handcarts and he said he would like to build robots for the people who couldn't afford covered wagons and animals and had to pull their handcarts.
Lately too we have been talking about the blessing of education and the importance of working hard and learning all that we can. We had talked before about children I have known in parts of the world who haven't had the chance to go to school. "Mom," he said, "I know- if they don't have schools- they could be home schooled!" I tried to explain that this was a good idea and that is what people tried to do but it was hard for their parents because they didn't get to go to schools either.
Then he petitioned, "Mom could we please send papers to them so they could have school- I really think we should do that!"
Guess I know what type of family service opportunity we are going to be looking for!
I just love the way his little heart and brain work!
What a great day! And smart son is so.... SMART! What a cutie!
I want to be a mom just like you. Give me all your parenting tips - to help your child be a deep thinker and smart like that.
that is SO sweet, and so reassuring that you are a FANTASTIC mother! :)
It's amazing whta kids come up with. Thanks for sharing.
What an amazing child! Do share what family service project you find. It's always interesting to me how families serve together, as I know it brings them closer.
I love the things kids say! You'll be so glad it is all documented! So cute.
From the mouth of babes! So smart. I love the living in a dot to dot. What good imagery!
So, was he saying the 80's were the "olden days"? Tee hee hee. What great conversations. I thought the bird songs were a good one! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
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