Here are some pictures of my cute boys last night- Smart son was a bat- he has spent the last few days really getting into character by hanging upside on the family room chairs. He however is my very sensitive child and not one for scary stuff especially noises- he trick or treated to 15 houses and said he'd had enough (the appeal of the candy is not that strong for a child who begs for asparagus!

Smart son was most excited to show his kindergarten class an article and picture of himself in last years fish costume that was featured in the American profile section last weeks Sunday paper in an article about "Out of the Box Costume Ideas". Yes every year, I embark on some sewing escapade in an attempt to make my child's costume dreams come true. The bat was fairly easy -there are no bat patterns out there- the one I found was a cape of felt with a scalloped edge- BLAH! So we created our own pattern thanks to an internet diagram of the Taiwanese bat. Couple that with yards of black pleather, sequin trim, and black moleskin and viola! It was a bat worthy of Halloween costumeness. The past has brought organ grinder monkeys, dinosaurs, and the fish. If you have every read the Old Man and the Sea you can appreciate the epic struggle of fitting multiple layers of 1" foam and slippery fabrics under the unwieldy foot of my sewing machine in my attempts to craft this. After seeing himself in the paper once though- I am afraid it went to his head and he saw a boy with blonde curly hair on the newpaper we had spread out when we were pumpkin carving and he told me he thought it looked alot like him- and that maybe he was in the newspaper alot.
Sorry I am slow posting this blogger was being lame when it came to pictures and what good is halloween post with no costume pics!okay I post the others later- I all it will let me do is 2. Maybe I am too late and they have a quota for mommy blogs the day after halloween!
Super cute! Your boys are adorable.
I had the same problem loading pictures.. it must have been the "every mommy in bloggy land loading pictures of Halloween" syndrome.
I really need to face my fear of sewing... these costume ideas blow even the rarest costume store fidns out of the water!
I want to live next door to you and pay you lots of pretty money to teach me to sew like that! You are so talented! And what a great mom! Your boys will have so many happy memories...
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