Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Be prepared

yes- i think our religion encourages a sort of hording-- - it all stems from the Year supply/food storage thing-- But somehow it spills over into other things- I'd like to horde money-- but i find that is hard to do so i try other things- like the 6 things of ice cream i have in my freezer at the moment (Hood- Peanut Butter Nation- the worlds best ice cream, Hood Green Monster, Price Chopper Neopolitain, Edy's Grand Light moose tracks, Friendly's Vanilla, Hood Vanilla Bean.) Now this is all possible because i have an extra freezer in my basement- yes to hold some of my food supply- or maybe i take very literally the counsel to have "comfort foods" in times of crisis- Maybe it's not hording but just being prepared-- prepared to have a dinner party or dessert for 40 at the drop of a hat or maybe just prepared to satisfy my every whim and craving without a trip to the grocery store. That would also explain the poly bucket in my basement full of every kind of chocolate, peanut butter etc. chip for cookie baking (around 20 bags). Also the next 2 years of my sons' clothes already lined up and organized in their closets- (all bought at those "ending in .97" prices on Gap clearance) because nothing would be worse for me than having to buy it in season and full price! I hate being unprepared--thats why i got 8 packs of diapers the other day (at 5$ a pack of 48- call me dealmaster!) That also explains why i am a heavy packer, its why i schlepp 3 bags to church on sunday, it is why i keep a lunch box of snacks in the car at all times, A closet full of next years toys and books (i hate shopping with the crowd), a basement full of paints, fabric, and art supplies. That is why my dorm room at BYU had everything in it from glitter to grits! I wonder what deep childhood experience this stems from-- maybe my mother forcing us on "errands"-- which i now try to minimize at all costs!-- but hey call it hording, call it food storage, call it being prepared- it's great so instead i'll just go on eating my 6 cartons of ice cream, dressing my kids in last seasons gap clearance and try to convert others to "being prepared"


Rachelle said...

I am a prepared person like that too - buy clothes on clearance, stock up on emergency emotional crisis foods. It's actually a lot of fun. I get moments of panic if I don't have the stores I need.

ShelahBooksIt said...

yeah, I can attest to the hoarding thing on smartmama's behalf. I lived in that 10x10 dorm room with her.