smart son's hair has been getting thicker and straighter. His hair has never been short. Today though I noticed he was sporting mark hamill hair. I pointed out the uncanny resemblance to smart daddy-o who agreed. When I tried to tell him he looked like luke skywalker- he cut me off before I could even say it, "I know-I have looked in the mirror hundreds of times and noticed I look just like him!" It was the funniest thing I had heard in a long to time to imagine that whenever my 6 year old looks in the mirror he thinks to himself "I look just like luke skywalker". I then suggested maybe that's what he should be for Halloween to which he remarked- "yah- that would be good because i wouldn't even need to wear a mask" -- It's shame it's not han solo- I always thought he was the cutest and Luke was kind of whiny.
Oh my gosh! That is too funny! He does look like him!
Seriously...that is SO funny.
And holy cow..could he look any more like you???
I love six year olds and what they say! that made me laugh!
ACK! you're right, my kid totally contend. too funny. and ftr, smartson is WAY cuter than Mark Hamill
han solo was my fave, but i love how smartson's got that attidue thing going on that he KNOWS he's a good-looking studmuffin and is just as cool as luke sywalker. how CUTE.
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