Get ready for lift off, the 2009 Smart Mama Valentines Day Challenge is about to launch. Yes, 14 days my friends- don't let me down-- the world as we know it depends on you! I'll be here at mission control, monitoring your progress.
Now to be eligible for prizes you must return and report. If you have a blog, you can post about some of your favorite things you do or you can email me and let me know, maybe like this...
"Reader to smart mama- do you copy?"
"Copy that, reader, smart mama here."
"Mission accomplished, I repeat mission accomplished."
(deafening clapping and cheering, kissing, hugging)
"Congratulations reader, head back to base, smart mama out."
Then I'll pick a few winners...hmm let me think...maybe by categories-- this part is TBD- but the prizes are good!
and special thanks to my cousin Andy's wife-- Debby, who, inspired by the love challenge post decided to show me some love and mail me some darling photos of my family from her wedding. This photo is of my now 8 yr old, circa spring 2001! A seriously sweet and fabulous surprise.
1.clean 2. parties 3. babies
ss#1...SUCH a beautiful baby! what a fun picture, I thought you had pulled it from a magazine!
Ok. game on Smart mama!!!
I'm ready. I bought 5 or so packs of v-day candy (you know the fun stuff like candy necklaces) for the busy days and then I bought fun stuff for making cards and decorations and treats for the less busy days. Is it a bad sign that we have to start day 1 with candy?
I'm in smart momma. Will be posting on my blog and checking in here too.
This will be fun!
Cute pics! I'm trying, I really am. Why is that it's only day one and I'm already a meanie?! We started last week making some valentine collages and other things to pack so we'll have them on our vaca. later in the week.
Okay, I started a blog post about this. And then I realized I stole your title. Oh well, it was unintentional.
I won't be posting about the challenge on my blog yet - I want to keep my husband and son guessing about what's going on. For day one, I stuck gel conversation hearts on the mirror for them to discover before bed.
So far so good. . . I shopped for surprises Saturday--craft supplies, treats, little treasures for the kids. Opened yesterday with pie topped by Valentine candy for the family. This morning I had a treat hidden in the woodstove when my husband went to start a fire, I fixed pink heart shaped pancakes for breakfast, and the kids and I are making melted crayon waxed paper Valentine decorations. They're all still wondering what's up.
way to go you guys- I am impressed! Just think with like 25 people in on the challenge x 14 days that is a lot of loving behaviors!
My husband is already looking forward to what the next 12 days will bring. Check out days 1-2 on my blog! :) http://carriesnider.blogspot.com/
oh, stink. I totally forgot I was doing this.
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