Well as requested by g- I will blog a little about my painting. I blogged about my chain garden paintings when i first began the series as well as about some of my other paintings. But I realized I didn't really explain the symbolic idea behind the chain garden paintings. I like to explore relationships in my abstract pieces. i like deep
relationships with people and those who are my friends have a great impact on me. In the chain garden the underlying framework is the "connectedness" of everyone- hence the sort of fabric of chains, the way we are bound together through our complex web of family, relationships, friendships, chance encounters, etc. The flowers- those individuals and relationships that really impact us - define us more than the everyday interactions. This is one of my favorite series to work in I love doing variations in backgrounds, sizes, etc. You can see most of the series on my gallery.

And for your viewing pleasure a few other pieces I did recently- I was in a palette knife painting mood- just playing with colors and shapes- no brushes involved
Oranges (11x14), geometry 2 (24x36), and pennants (16x20) ( i prefer it as pennants- although whenever smart baby sees it he he turns it the other way and says "BOATS!BOATS!")
Thank you so much! I love your perspective on interconnectedness. And those new paintings are beautiful!
I love your colors especially the orange painting- Smart baby and I must think alike because the first thing I thought when I saw the penants painting was boats too!
beautiful work les! always and forever a fan...
i thought the same as smartbaby and was intrigued at the idea of the upside down fleet. it's all beautiful, no matter the perspective.
I had to laugh about the penants. When you helped us stage our house we had the penants painting turned upside down as boats in the kids playroom.
okay okay i'll admit it the penants started as boats but then i didn't like i so i flipped it over and kept painting as abstracted penants-- so it does have alot of boatiness in it- i think i need to change the bottom color so it isn't so skyish- although if everyone likes it better as boats hey-who am i to say!
and anonymous-we were out at our annual zoo outing today and i was thinking about you all- we miss you!!
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