Well as requested by g- I will blog a little about my painting. I blogged about my chain garden paintings when i first began the series as well as about some of my other paintings. But I realized I didn't really explain the symbolic idea behind the chain garden paintings. I like to explore relationships in my abstract pieces. i like deep
relationships with people and those who are my friends have a great impact on me. In the chain garden the underlying framework is the "connectedness" of everyone- hence the sort of fabric of chains, the way we are bound together through our complex web of family, relationships, friendships, chance encounters, etc. The flowers- those individuals and relationships that really impact us - define us more than the everyday interactions. This is one of my favorite series to work in I love doing variations in backgrounds, sizes, etc. You can see most of the series on my gallery.

And for your viewing pleasure a few other pieces I did recently- I was in a palette knife painting mood- just playing with colors and shapes- no brushes involved
Oranges (11x14), geometry 2 (24x36), and pennants (16x20) ( i prefer it as pennants- although whenever smart baby sees it he he turns it the other way and says "BOATS!BOATS!")