Here I am, back among the living. I have finally cuaght up on some sleep, survived a week alone while Allen was in Mexico on business. I have been hustling to get stuff done for a dinner/dance auction for our town ed foundation this week and I can report my room redux is almost done. Curtains (lined with thermal and blackout liner- oh so luxiurious, pretty, and energy efficient) are made and the new paintings are done. My camera is still away at canon being repaired (this is back to back trip #2) so I haven't wanted to blog becasue well I need pictures! Pictures are worth a thousand words and I can't get enough computer time to write thousand words descriptions for all the things I need to show you. I do have a blurry pic of the new paintings- but I promise a room shot to follow soon.
I have also been making checkerboard cakes and cookies with boys, venturing outside to clean up the nasty dead plants now that the snow is gone, and planting a small orchard of fruit trees.
You can also catch me on segullah today, talking about A God of Details and Embracing Smallness.
Also as soon as my camera returns next up- my post Gardening at 10 feet in the air
So I'll be seeing you.