Sunday, April 15, 2007
yes i am still here
I know I said I wouldn't be blogging while my mom was here and I was fully utilizing my every moment of assistance straightening closets and redoing my basement food storage shelves etc. But things have just been complicated lately. My car broke down, one of my husbands sisters passed away unexpectedly last week so he has been away for the services, and smart baby has been demonstrating his amazing 22 mo old skills at opening everything childproofed-my home does not have enough high surfaces to keep everything i need to out of reach- I have to worry about him pulling chairs, climbing, plugging in dangerous appliances, spraying furniture with cleaners, etc - so I have been attempted to keep the the house in a state of semi order, get some projects done, drs and dentist appointments, etc. anyway thanks for your patience
Thursday, April 12, 2007
easter review

Well the Easter bunny found it's way to our house- and managed to leave a nice assortment of candies. I am proud to say smart son is a boy after my own heart- growing up i was the master Easter egg hunter (It is something I don't lose at- like the game scattergories- I have never lost a round- i think that is why smart daddy-o hates playing it with me- a guaranteed loss-I challenge anyone to a game). Egg hunting was always an a sore subject with my sister who was two yrs my senior, because when it came to egg hunt totals I always far exceeded hers. Smart son loves the hunt as much as I do and we do it over and over again in our house (cheap simple thrills here). This year we also went to the town library egg hunt- each child got 10 eggs and 1 mystery egg which they got to trade in for the prize of their choosing. I have to say i was impressed- first of all the candy in the eggs was really good candy- not the junky kinds they usually use at community egg hunts and then the mystery egg prizes- whoa-- This was what smart son got for his mystery egg- a 20$ hardcover book on the worlds of the star wars trilogy- as we were leaving the town center he said "Wow this is the coolest prize I have ever won!" I didn't knwo what tp say- that wasn't the kind of stuff i got at my egg hunts growing up. Since then he has been busy teaching smart baby how to say Dagoboth, Hoth, Tatooine, Endor, etc. Thats one egg hunt i won't be missing again.
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