billy bookcases that is, from IKEA- they are cheap, easy to assemble and hold a multitude of things-- yes I will proudly admit to owning 4 billy bookcases--
even better than the bookcase itself- is the BILLY BYOM door (which can be put on billy bookcases to hide the shelf contents)- seriously i got 4 of them this weekend and they rock my world- turning this- into this-
sadly i'd take this kind of eye candy anyday- as a mom it is a constant war on clutter- nothing makes me more excited than reducing visual clutter- seriously i could stare at those doors all day
anything to hide the tattered cookbook edges, ratty church books, lesson manuals and all the unaesthetically pleasing, although highly useful items. they have taken my office a step closer to the idealized magazine- office (where everything matches, coordinates, all papers are the same size and color)
(they normally look a little better- but i loaned some of my "cool decorations" to stage my friends house that is for sale- but you get the picture)
I really like that look. I am counting the weeks until we have IKEA here.
I think I'm having Billy envy.
LOVE THEM. I like your baskets up on top too.
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