Well I haven't posted in a while because things have been a little crazy. While i was in for 31 wk ultrasound (Which they do
because of my
thrombophilia- to ensure the placental perfusion is good and baby is growing well) they found a really really rare cord issue- An
intra-abdominal vein
varix- basically after the umbilical vein enters the baby- it is dilated within the abdominal cavity of the baby. I noticed the U/s tech kept
looking at something but i couldn't figure out what is was.
Well the
perinatalogist came in and explained it and said she thought i needed to have weekly
NSTs and we needed to move up my next ultrasound.
Well I went h
ome and started reading-- Unfortunately reading up on it only made things scarier. The first thing I learned was one it was really rare- There are less than 100 cases documented. Each study maybe only included 7-9 patients.Then of those cases documented outcomes varied widely. Some showed really good outcomes 7 out of 7 healthy babies- other showed stillbirth and fetal loss rates of 25-44%. the problem that frequently occurs is thrombosis of the vessel-
not what you want to hear when you are already high risk for thrombosis (I'm on
lovenox 2x a day and aspirin)That was
definitely not what I wanted to hear. Especially after all I have been through ( 8 m/cs) I called the
perinatalogist back the next morning, got kicked over to high risk for my managment and we came up with a new plan- 2x a week
doppler studies, we did
steriods to speed lung development, and we are due an
amnio to check lung maturity on the 12
th and assuming we're good- baby will be induced then at 35 weeks- So I have to keep this baby hanging in for 11 more days and then we won't take any risks.We are hoping with our careful monitoring we could catch a "problem" before it happens but again there is enough to know who things play out when they go bad. So we are hoping we don't have to deal with that- needless to say I live hour to hour and day to day and
appt to
appt- poking and
prodding this little boy to ensure he is always moving and
dopplering him a f
ew times a day.
But there is nothing like need to be ready for the baby- so i am trying to not stress myself out- but also expedite things and get in gear. So keep your fingers crossed!