Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Cupcake Ideas

The annual small town Christmas festival = smart mama making Christmas cupcakes for the cake walk. Little trolley's carry you around to all the local establishments- orchards, farms, candy factory, churches, the school each is filled with festivities- oh to live in new england (now if we could just warm it up a few dozen degrees). Here are some ideas if you are doing holiday baking.
If you want come join me on Segullah today, where I talk about the importance of ugly Christmas tree ornaments. While you're there catch Shelah's previous post on writing a great Christmas letter and Jennie's great post "For Zion must increase in beauty..." -- a guaranteed laugh.

1.waking up (after a bad dream) 2. no school 3. a few paintings completed


  1. I want one of those cupcakes right now! I had SO much fun seeing you over Thanksgiving. Evem if I am a bit bitter over the whole Cafe Rio show bit...I hope we can do it again!

  2. Those are so cute. Just saw another version, edition I guess,of Hello Cupcake! Made me think of you. I like the reindeer one. Cute. Have a great Christmas!


what are you thinking?