Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Piece of the Day- Diligence

A new painting 18x24", a cousin of the piece entitled compassion (the orange one). Playing with the branch, the patterns, colors, emotions.
1. internet access again 2. down comforters 3. good mexican food


  1. i love this one so much! next time i'm in MA or you're in FL, we should exchange services...

  2. I've missed you. :( This painting is beautiful, as always. I wish I had just 1/8 of your talent. Looking forward to seeing you in Dec. :)

  3. alissa- a swaperoo is a must- lets get in the same state!!

    I have been internetless for a few days
    becky- i miss you too can't wait for MBL shindig

  4. you do no wrong :)
    This is amazing, just like all the others.
    Sunday won't be the same without you people. Hurry home.
    And thanks again for my FABULOUS soup. I hope you got my email!!!

  5. I'm thinking you ought to start peddling your work to the wall paper people. Martha herself would be foolish not to buy in. You ARE talent!

  6. Love this one! It really is beautiful.
    Hope you had a happy T-day

  7. This is amazing! I love your work! It's been so fun to see them.

  8. Love it! I do so enjoy appreciating your pictures! Thanks for sharing.


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