Friday, October 03, 2008

Profundity from Wal-mart grocery shopping

As I watched the rotisserie chickens turning round and round, baking in the heat of the oven I thought, so too is my life.
I started out fresh, unseasoned.
Then loaded onto the spit of life, each day round and round I turn getting juicier and tastier and nicely golden.
One day, when my time is up I too will be fully cooked and get put in a box and sent over to the other side.
Hopefully, to be greeted by many smiling faces who will pronounce upon me "Well Done!"

1.weekends 2. impending fun 3. new opportunities


  1. Love this thought! But I definitely wouldn't consider you a "chicken"!

  2. i guess i am probably more of a "turkey"- LOL!

  3. Thanks for the giggle this morning

  4. woa. deep thinking in the chicken section. I'll pronounce you WELL DOING! now. You'll be the best seasoned chick on the other side of the veil. (If I stand next to you, maybe some of that seasoning will rub off)

  5. i say WELL DONE to you already and you still have lots of turning to do.
    Love this, made me smile

  6. see I am surrounding myself with other good chicks hoping some of their juices will drip onto me!

  7. What a great analogy! You are always so thought-provoking! Thanks!

  8. drip your juices onto me...please? Indeed you are "well doing". See you tonight!

  9. this made me happy. i wanna be juicy too. i hope i get well done too. and i probably can't eat a walmart rotissirie chicken now without thinking of you!

  10. Anonymous11:23 AM

    love this post!! What a great analogy, thanks for the laugh.

  11. I love this! I'm going to remember this!

  12. I tried to buy one once. They told me I couldn't because they were all expired. But still there on the spit roasting. How does that play into your musings? Me? I was just annoyed and pretty much grossed out.

  13. I love this post Les--very clever!

  14. I won't be able to think of chickens the same either. You are already well done! You do amazing things.

  15. Great thought and walmart of all places to get it. My thoughts at walmart are more along the lines of "wow, this is a long line" and "forget about the rest of the list I've got to get this two-year-old out of here." Grant has little patience for shopping.


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