Tuesday, October 21, 2008

creativity... like rodents

I love inspiration and ideas. I am an artist. I couldn't survive with out these dear friends. At 12:30 at night when they surely come, they like rodents and cockroaches--unwelcome guests. My husband questions when I tap on the light in the middle of the night, the cause for this my bedside scrawling.
"Sorry, I just had this poem in my head about crayons I had to write it down so it would let me go to sleep."
While I welcome these interesting thoughts, they are very brazen. Thinking they can come to me at all hours and I beholden to committing them to a scrap of paper or a sketchbook. They must keep within the bounds I have set for our relationship. I will reiterate them here for future reference...Creative thoughts only in waking daytime hours, not racing through my mind at 100 miles an hour when I am trying to get to sleep (already an hour or two behind schedule). Any good recommendations on mental mousetraps or brain raid highly appreciated.
1. having help 2. morning naps 3. 66 cupcakes baked


  1. it's a love/hate relationship. good stuff but bad time. sorry, i struggle with this myself - i blame my mom.:) i'm looking for self help myself - help?

  2. So are you going to share the Crayon poem? :P

  3. maybe one of these days

  4. Anonymous1:46 PM

    yeah happens to dh all the time. He'll wake up and say, "I should've had a notepad by the bed" Me I just get up and blog it. Fortunately hasn't happened lately (shh!! I just jinxed myself)

  5. Oh Smart mama... this is a problem that plagues us when we are sleep deprived. I'm thinking you need a FULL weekend in bed! Those rodents are after the crumbs left from baking and decorating (at a very high level) 66 cupcakes in your waking hours.

  6. i too suffer...it's always GOOD stuff, it's just a matter of me getting out of bed to write it down.
    I convince myself I won't forget, but in the morning, it's GONE.
    i like the notepad by the bed idea!
    hope you were able to get some good sleep while the Ma was in town.

  7. Love this post! I picture the whole scenerio so vividly. Looking forward to reading the crayon poem one day.

  8. Great idea about the notebook. I usually tell myself I'll remember in the morning but then it is gone! I love the idea of getting in down on paper so your mind can rest and be rid of it during the (supposedly) resting hours.


what are you thinking?