Friday, August 01, 2008

pieces of the week & the unmidas touch

Okay lately I have had the unmidas touch when it comes to painting- seriously everything I touch turns ugly and makes me grouchy. I haven't been able to put my finger on the source of my dearth of creativity and aesthetic plague, but as an artist it is most distressing. The other night I was painting trying one thing after the next only to leave in my wake all the pieces worse than when I started. Finally i gave up, freeing myself to play with the paint and no expectation of a good outcome, because well they couldn't get uglier than they were- my final yields were some passable small playful studies... Then today I was about to ship off the cherry painting to this month's winner, Holly, and I felt pangs of sadness. I always liked those cherries, they used to hang in my kitchen so I decided to make the parting easier I would paint a quick "cousin" painting to keep to remember it by. I did one but, I couldn't stop, so I am now the proud owner of three variations of cherries in a green bowl. Let's just say when time is of the essence it is amazing what you can crank out! This magic moment occurred when my 7 yr was reading, 3 yo was taking quiet time and then later served as my self proclaimed studio helper) and my baby was sleeping for 1 1/2 hrs! Hopefully this has ended my curse. moral of the story- give and ye shall receive
1. breaking a bad streak
2. thinking about vacation
3. weekends


  1. Streak is broken! I will take all three.....LOVE EM!

  2. LOVE the moral of the story...
    great paintings. I have to say I felt discouraged on Wed. with my work but the more I look at it, the more excited I get to finish it...i guess it's good sometimes, just to walk away for a moment.

  3. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Okay, so could I just win your NEW 'give-it-away-and-it'll-come-back-threefold' give away and inspire your next terrific trio? Try it! I just KNOW it'll work for ME! lol

  4. holly-I gues si have you to thank- yes now what to do with 3 very similar herry paintings- LOL

    LL- your painting was coming along great- in fact i was thinking about it tonight because i was working on a landscape in true primaries- the walk away is critical

    jenny- we might just have to try that- i've got to figure out the rules of art blessings are maybe it's like tithing - give 10% and be showered with inspiration??

  5. I will have to agree--your streak is definitely broken! LOVE LOVE the cherries, all three of them!

  6. You've been eating hordes of cherries while they are in season I'll bet ....maybe you should think about painting food by the season, a full stomach makes me inspired! (to sleep)


what are you thinking?