Monday, July 14, 2008

shrieking screams...

came from my mouth causing my husband and child to come running to the kitchen (okay maybe the scream was too much) but how else are you to respond when your three year old turns on your uber powerful new blender when the lid is off and the pitcher is full with a freshly made batch of orange julius...

frothy orange sweetness erupting wildly all over the kitchen

clean up efforts are in progress...happy family night!


  1. Oh good, I had a split second there where I thought you were going to say someone's hands were in the blender. Eek--the thought makes me cringe. But glad it was just a giant mess and no one was hurt!

  2. What a little helper he is!! Bless his heart.Happy Family Night!

  3. LOL! I literally laughed out loud, although when I stopped to think about the cleanup process it wasn't so funny anymore. :) Did you take pictures?

  4. Ugggggh. Lots of sticky goodness. Almost reminds me of the time my daughter decided to use all our expensive protein powder up and make her own shake....

  5. lol! My sister opened up a bottle of rootbeer for rootbeer floats one family night, not knowing another sister had totally shaken it first. It stained the ceiling! Good times :) Hope your clean up efforts fare better than my poor mom's!


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