Sunday, April 20, 2008

wait let me explain...

I feel like a lot of things in my life need explanations so here goes...

1. Indeed my son was wearing his Velcro corduroy shoes to church today because -3 min to departure one Sunday shoe was missing- so in order to not make the shoe fiasco so obvious- I threw him in khaki cargos with the khaki shoes. Lets hope we find the shoes.

2. Yes none of the paintings are at the right height and are all hanging very crookedly in my house right now. Last night I did "art shake-up", this happens usually about once every year- I move a bunch of stuff around- It is the joy and curse of being an artist-and being a very flavor of the week person. So last night over 15 paintings played musical chairs in my house, some were summoned from and others retired to the studio shelf. This because of some holes left by recent sales. Also yesterday smart daddy-o's home improvement task was to trim our bathroom mirrors with moulding- so no more looking at ugly clips and that calls for a makeover! But I have to leave them all like this for about a week as I continue to reshuffle and decide if I like the current placements so my walls don't look like they had a bad encounter with a shotgun. (see here the downstairs bath redux the trimmed mirror, new art not hung at appropriate height and the crab painting resting on the towel bar - i like it there but it is too big so I have to paint another in a smaller size.)

3. If my skirt looked funny today, well with good reason- it was on backwards all day--and its not cut the same for the front and the back- no wonder it felt funny.

4. To the lady at the paint store no I wasn't assuming you'd carry my gallon of paint to the car for me- I just totally spaced that that is why I came to your store- it's just i haven't slept through the night in 5 mo now- and my brain is getting a bit hazy. But thanks for loading it in my car anway- such service.

5. And if that pan of dinner rolls look funny, well it's because i forgot to turn off the oven when i put them in to rise- so instead of a gentle rise in a warm oven i full on cooked them with a towel on top which is why my kitten tea towel is now a scorchy golden color- hey at least i didn't burn down the house.
1. communal meals
2. having good friends who are good examples to your kids
3. neighbors who you can call to borrow an egg


  1. oh dear. i think you need to get a little bit more sleep at night. good thing you didn't burn your house down by cooking your dish towel. p.s. i got that city/country book that you recommended and ava LOVES it! thanks for the recommendation!

  2. I am so glad you commented on my blog, now I feel like I can comment on yours :) I love your blog, you are so creative and funny!

    I also love that you change your paintings around, it's like getting a home make-over w/o spending money. I try and change the furniture and decor around every once in a while just for that reason!

  3. I love the molding around the mirrors - very pretty. Sorry about your spacey days with the skirt and paint - I've been there plenty of times - UGH! I do wish that I had more of a creative side to me because my house would look a lot cuter. LOVE the crab painting - very cool.

  4. But how did the rolls taste? That is more important that the brown towel. I once baked a pizza with the cardboard still under it and didn't figure it out until I was cutting it up for dinner. It's kind of hard to cut through cardboard with a pizza cutter.

  5. a- you totally need to get the original happy hocky family as well it is classic

    gf- Oh thanks- you are always welcome here-- anytime!!

  6. Oh my goodness....thank heavens no fire. The rolls would not be worth what you would have to go through....I promise. Please be careful.....I know what lack of sleep can do. That is why diet pepsi is my best friend sometimes......just to get from point A to point B.The art thing sounds fun and so crazy...something I could relate to doing In the late hours of the night ot morning...whatever works. Love the backwards are starting to resemble my life.......record these stories for posterity. Mine fell off in the church parkng lot once......I am sure I have told that story to you.

  7. oh suz- ye smy rolls are not worth a fire- and I am sure just as you children tell their storeis of being forced to haul holiday decorations out of hte attic my hcildren will tell storeis of being forced to shuffle our household paintings!

  8. WELL that's ok.....all children must be forced to do something. Like eat the peas when the dump them down the that's a story that lives on and on and is frequently re-told by my gets better as the years go on. Oh but what character they have now from those life lessons from their mama ( kind of smart)

  9. Too bad I wasn't there on Sunday to see your backward skirt first hand ;-)

    I thought something looked different about your bathroom in the pic- couldn't figure out what it was. The moulding looks great. Go dh!!!!


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