Saturday, February 02, 2008

more new art

My painting binge continues 3 are inspired by Utah, land of my college years. The first, aspen grove. The next two are abstractions of photos I took of the gardens at Temple Square in Salt Lake City this summer and the last one is 2nd in the tree series i am working on - it's not done yet but coming along- I love the colors. I can't wait for my big shipment of giant canvases to arrive-- there are more paintings waiting to be made-- alas so many ideas, so little time.


  1. I am SUCH a fan---you are so talented. I love each of them; I don't know how I would choose!

  2. A fellow LDS member who likes Ponette. I have to say hello. Great site.

  3. Beautiful! I'm so impressed by your talent.

  4. Colorful and lovin it. Love the grove.

  5. HOORAY-you DO blog! I can't wait to look through everything. You are incredibly talented and so fun, i'm sure this site will be a favorite of mine!!!
    and that picture of you and Palmer--ADORABLE!


what are you thinking?