Thursday, June 15, 2006

fun mom strikes again-

okay today is my sons official last day of preschool forever, they are going on a pond field trip as we speak- tuesday we made this cake on the spur of the moment-to celebrate this week's outdoor camp theme- puddles and ponds--this was an "on the fly" venture- post swimming lessons before dinner making- while holding cranking teething baby and one hand-edly working fondant into tiny frog fingers-- Oh fun mom who succumbs to smart sons creative bidding. To see a better view visit the cake blog


  1. You are so talented. I am jealous! You're making the rest of us look bad! ;)

  2. Anonymous8:57 AM

    wow. just wow. i want to get me some candy playdough!

    your cake blog is fantastic!

  3. what a darling cake!

  4. That is such a cute cake. I love it, and I'm jealous. I want to learn!

  5. Fantastic!! My kids would die if I whipped up one of those succors (not to say that I could, but I think you get the point...hehe). So far what I have read you are the kind of person I want to be, artistic, creative with cakes, and real about who you are!


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