Friday, April 11, 2008

What is going on in that brain of yours?

(You may need to click on the image to see the detail labels)

My 7 yo son had the school assignment to: "Draw the inside of your refrigerator with your favorite foods inside"simple, straightforward- right.

This is what I got...

I explained to him as an artist I appreciated his creativity immensely, but questioned whether this was the given assignment as this is a rather fantastical interpretation of the inside of any fridge!

I labelled it so you could appreciate it fully- and note these are his favorites- grapefruits, olives, colby jack cheese, key lime yogurt...

(but seriously now- drips of grease falling from the ham? what is going on in that brain of yours?)

1. creativity 7 yo brains
2. black olives
3. the everyday amusements of motherhood


Arlyn said...

He should at least get points for creativity! That is a paper to save. His wife will get a good laugh because of it someday.

aubreyannie said...

he better get an a++ on that assignment. what a fantastic job!! i love it so much! and thank goodness for your interpretation and labelling..!

LL said...

looks to me like an olive in the bottom of a glass.
he's CREATIVE...I wonder where he gets it :)
good stuff

Courtney said...

Hopefully he has a teacher who appreciates his creativity! Definitely an assignment to keep.

My Three Snakes and Snails said...

Hey it's KaLisi... that is crazy that you know Sonja... she was one of my college roommates! small world, eh?? glad you left a comment... hope you don't mind I'll be checking out your blog now! your kids are too cute!

Chellie said...

Very creative!

Becky said...

Definitely a KEEPER! I love this picture. Thanks for the play by play of the drawing.

Unknown said...

Wow, that is pretty amazing. And he picked healthy things as well. My first pick would have been my hubby's leftover pizza in there. :-)